Contact and Booking

Book directly with us for the best price.

Contact us by Email.

More than just a holiday villa !

Above the possibility of renting Palazzo-Casale as your holiday villa, we aditionally offer you a number of services and activities that will make your holiday to an even greater "real italian" experience. 

Find out more about our services here.


During the main season (July and August) you can rent Palazzo-Casale from Saturday till Saturday with a minimum stay of 7 nights. During the rest of the year an individuall arragement can be agreed.


Price per week 2024


Low-season                                                            1750,-  €


4.5. - 28.6.,  31.8. - 11.10. 2024                             2100,-  €


High-season (29.6. - 30.8.2024)                             2800,-  €



The costs for electricity, water, heating, tourist tax and internet are included in the price. 


To check the availability for your planed holiday please klick on the following link:


Availability please klick here.


For booking your holiday please contact us directly:


Do you have any further questions about the availability or would you like to book your holiday?

Please contact us by telephone under: +39 0575 61 60 88 or via email.

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